Thursday, June 29, 2023

One night stand

Ethan, a charismatic gentleman with a twinkle in his eye, sat at a table in the corner, enjoying his meal with quiet delight. Across the room, Sarah, a captivating woman with an air of mystery, indulged in the aromas of the culinary masterpiece in front of her. Their eyes met, and at that moment, an undeniable connection erupted between them.

Curiosity and especially desire flowed through their veins as they exchanged knowing glances. Without a word, they recognized the flame waiting to be lit. As their eyes locked, they understood – a passionate affair was destined to unfold.

With hearts racing and minds consumed by curiosity, Ethan and Sarah headed for the exit. They called a taxi.

Their journey led them to a secluded hotel, hidden away from the city's prying eyes. Inside the elevator, a charged silence surrounded them, punctuated only by exciting touches.

The hotel room, a sanctuary of passion waiting to be awakened, became a canvas on which the two painted their intimate desires. In the soft glow of the bedside lamp, they shed inhibitions, guided only by instinct and an unbridled hunger for pleasure.

Time stood still as their bodies joined, their souls dancing to a slow tune. The exploration of each other's desires, an intimate conversation with whispers and sobs, filled the room with an intoxicating symphony of pleasure. At that moment, they existed only for each other, freed from the outside world's realities.

As the night wore on, their connection deepened and the boundaries of their physical union blurred into an emotional intimacy that exceeded expectations. They opened their souls, sharing long-dormant secrets and dreams.

In the morning, reality knocked gently on the door. Ethan and Sarah exchanged bittersweet smiles, knowing their fleeting affair had ended.

With a final friendly touch, they said goodbye, carrying the adventure memory in their hearts.

They were fine, but their paths were different.


A mathematician would say the odds are close to zero. Improbable. A writer leaves the answer to the reader's choice.

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